This unique, unofficial, & unashamedly DIY book follows on from the curious runaway success of Martin Bull's first self-published book, Banksy Locations (& Tours) Vol.1, by rounding up the rest of Banksy's UK graffiti from the last five years, as well as older survivors. It includes over 135 different locations of Banksy's street graffiti, past & present (almost half of which are still worth visiting); over 230 colour photographs; information, random facts & idle chit-chat on each location; a full walking tour of his remaining work in Bristol; and also snippets of art/graffiti by Eine, Faile, Inkie, Kato, Mode 2, BA / DBZ, & Rowdy.
Collect all the locations like a geek or just wander around, stop at the various quirky local attractions and explore parts you may never have visited before. Alternatively, get your slippers on, and settle back for an open-top bus ride though some of Banksy's best public work...