Book Description
Humor, surrealism, and idealism are not usually the first elements of fashion that come to mind unless of course you are talking about Franco Moschino. Gingko Press´ new monograph contains a visual overview of the fifteen year history of the house of Moschino and gives the reader a strong feel for the message laden fashions. Franco Moschino seemed concerned with the clear delivery of his message at least as much as with the medium by which it was delivered, he was not afraid to throw together disparate elements to create the desired effect. Moschino designs are often involved with their message, whether it´s in the form of text on cloth or a visual pun in the form of a sprout covered bikini. The issues that concerned Moschino, AIDS, ecology, and peace for example always seem to emerge in his work as if they were simply impossible for him to repress. Moschino would be pleased to know that his sensibilites are being honored by the House of Moschino staff even in the fac